Proof of concept

Confirm you have a winner

Gain valuable insight about the potential viability of your product.

Whether you need to test your product idea with users or measure its technical performance, physical proofs of concept are the only sure-fire way to gain confidence you are on the right track.​

Design is an iterative process, not a one and done. Each time we build a prototype, we learn something new, getting closer to the end goal. This means building, testing, learning, updating and repeating until the product meets yours, and your users’ needs.  ​

Whatever your goal, we offer prototype delivery that enables you to quickly test your initial idea, all the way through to manufacturing representative models.​

Whether you are looking to test visual appeal or functional performance, we help you get there.


Concept development​

​We work with you to plan the goal for the prototype, and how it will be tested. ​

We research the best processes for production whether this is hand-built, 3D printed or machined.


Build early confidence

​Prototypes come in many shapes and forms. The goal is to gain high value insights and build confidence that you are on the right track. Initially, we focus on minimum valuable prototypes rather than minimum viable ones, then build fidelity from there.



High quality testing is essential to make sure the product does what you want it to. Whether you are happy to test yourself, or need us to arrange, we can.​



Robust product development needs iteration. This means building and testing repeatedly. Depending on your test results, we implement learnings and increase fidelity through each round prototypes, until you have the result you need to commit to production. 



There is of course a limit to how many rounds are needed. We work with you to assess the readiness of the product and whether a further prototype is needed. If the product is ready, it’s time to proceed to manufacture.​

Looking to prototype your product? Let’s build something great!
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